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Peony ‘Gardenia’

Paeonia 'Gardenia'


Our Peony are shipped as full fluffy plants right at the beginning of their bloom season. Peony are so fast growing that we can only ship during a short window of time in Spring. Place your order soon! Once we close orders for the season they will not return until Spring 2025.

We are committed to sending you plants in their prime! At A&O we NEVER ship bulb or dormant products. Our Peony are shipped planted into a 2-gallon growing pot, as a 15-20″ tall plant, ready to bloom.

Out of stock

SKU: PEGL02 Category: Tag:


  • A Single 2-Gallon Plant 15-20″ tall excluding the pot
  • Large, double bloom 5-7″ across
  • Long lasting flower, ideal for cutting
  • Mature spread: 35″-38″
  • USDA growing zone 3-9
  • Part Sun/Part Shade

Care Tip

Peonies love organically rich soil with good drainage. Plant in full sun, some shade can be tolerated. Prune back Peony stems to the ground level in the fall when they have turned brown. Peonies are a perennial meaning they will die back in the summer-fall months and push up new growth in the spring. Expect shoots to appear late winter-early spring. Blooms March-April. Pick, share and design to your heart's content!


Box Dimensions36 × 9 × 9 in
Item Weight15.0 lbs

Growing Zones

USDA Growing Zone Map
degrees(F) Zone degrees(C)
-40 to -30 3 -40 to -34.4
-30 to -20 4 -40 to -34.4
-20 to -10 5 -28.9 to -23.3
-10 to 0 6 -23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10 7 -17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20 8 -12.2 to -6.7
20 to 30 9 -6.7 to -1.1
30 to 40 10 -1.1 to 4.4
40 to 50 11 4.4 to 10